100 Things to Thank God For

You know how important it is to be thankful to God. But when life is tough, it’s not always easy to remember how blessed we are. These 100 things to thank God for will remind you of just how much you have to be grateful for!

100 things to thank God for

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Have you been trying to think of reasons to be thankful to God, but are coming up short?

I totally understand. Sometimes it’s just so much easier to worry, lament, and even complain about what we DON’T have, than to be grateful for what we DO have.

If you have any troubles, struggles, or seasons of difficulty (and we all do), it can be tempting to think you don’t have many things to thank God for. As in, β€œmy life is a mess”, β€œeverything is going wrong”, etc. etc.

Been there, done that! Living life with narcolepsy, being still single after so many years, plus all the other messes and failures in my life, some days it’s just so easy to fall into the trap of forgetting all the many things I DO have to be grateful to God for.

But when I really think about it, I have at least 100 things to thank God for, and more! It’s just a mindset shift, to focus on those blessings and thank the Lord for them.

What things should we thank God for?

So, if you’re stuck in a pattern of ungratefulness, how can you turn it around? I think it’s good to step back and see the bigger picture, of just how vast and numerous God’s blessings are.

We have such a long list of things to thank God for, it’s never-ending! If God created the heavens and the earth, and all of us in it, then we have Him to thank for every good thing in our lives, from the people who enrich our lives, to all the resources we have available to us for living. And the Bible tells us numerous times, that we are to be grateful to God for EVERYTHING!

Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.
James 1:17 (NIV)

Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 (NIV)

morning sunrise

100 Things to Thank God For

So, to prove (to you and to me) just how many blessings we have, I challenged myself to come up with this list of 100 things to thank God for. And I’ll be honest, along about #20 or so, I was feeling overwhelmed. Like, how in the world can I come up with 80 more reasons to be thankful to God?

But actually, it wasn’t that hard at all! Once I started thinking of more areas to be grateful in, and even some ways to be grateful in difficult circumstances, it was fairly easy to get all the way to 100.

Now, granted, not all of these 100 things to thank God for will apply to you. (There a few that don’t apply to me either.) BUT, especially if you live in a developed country, chances are that the majority of these are blessings that you DO have to be thankful for. And, I’m sure you could even come up with more blessings to count, that are specific to your life!

I’ve grouped these things to thank God for into nine different categories, so you can scroll through the whole list, or use these links to jump to a specific category…

Quick Links:
Who God Is/What He’s Done for You
His Creation (Heavens & Earth)
His Creation (People)
Physical Nourishment He Provides
Spiritual Nourishment He Provides
Family & Friends
Basic Things You Might Normally Take for Granted
Blessings in Disguise
Other Good Gifts for Your Enjoyment

Who God Is/What He’s Done for You

Our top reasons to be thankful should always, always, always be about who God IS and what He has already DONE for us: His character, goodness, mercy, creativity, sovereignty, power, and so forth. No matter what else occurs in your life, don’t forget to thank God for who He is and what He’s done for you!

And may you have the power to understand, as all God’s people should, how wide, how long, how high, and how deep his love is. May you experience the love of Christ, though it is too great to understand fully. Then you will be made complete with all the fullness of life and power that comes from God.
Ephesians 3:18-19 (NLT)

1) His unfailing love for you, His child (John 3:16)

2) His amazing grace and mercy, in forgiving your sins (Romans 5:8)

3) His good plans for your life (Jeremiah 29:11)

4) That He works all things for your good (Romans 8:28)

5) That He is FOR you, not against you (Romans 8:31)

6) His timing is perfect (2 Peter 3:8-9)

7) He is with you wherever you go (Joshua 1:9)

8) He is your ever-present help in times of trouble (Psalm 121:1-2)

9) He is the Great Physician (Psalm 103:1-5)

10) In Christ, you have NEW life (2 Corinthians 5:17)

11) Jesus provides rest for your weary soul (Matthew 11:28-29)

12) He hears your prayers, and answers them (1 John 5:14)

13) His peace surpasses all understanding (Philippians 4:7)

14) Every day is a special day that God made (Psalm 118:24)

15) He promises you eternal life, where there will be no more tears (Revelation 21:1-4)

worship and depend on God

His Creation (Heavens & Earth)

When you’re looking for things to thank God for everyday, the beauty and splendor of His Creation is always a great place to start. No matter what kind of weather you’re having, there is always something to be grateful for—even in the storm.

The heavens declare the glory of God;
the skies proclaim the work of his hands.

Psalm 19:1 (NIV)

16) Morning sunrises (a symbol of new beginnings!)

17) Gorgeous evening sunsets

18) Beautiful blue skies in daytime

19) Fluffy clouds that take so many marvelous shapes and sizes

20) The night sky with its glimpse of the heavens (stars, planets, etc.)

21) Aurora borealis (northern lights)

22) Little beauties of nature (dew on grass, sparkling snow, a ladybug, etc.)

23) Life-giving rain

24) Ice (the beauty of it, as well as usefulness: cold drinks in summer, icing an injury, fun ice skating, etc.)

25) Snow (again, the beauty, but also: building a snowman, skiing, sledding, etc.)

26) Tropical beaches

27) Majestic mountains, lush valleys

28) Cool breeze in the summertime

29) Warm fire in the winter

30) Beautiful rainbows (a symbol of God’s promises)

31) Trees that provide shade from the sun

32) Lakes and rivers (for water source, recreation, beauty, etc.)

33) Beautiful flowers

34) Thunderstorms (what a great metaphor they are for weathering the “storms” of life)

His Creation (People)

In all these 100 things to thank God for, perhaps one of the most essential and important, is just to thank Him for the ability to love and be loved. But even beyond that, there are so many ways we can see that God made humans in His own image! See if you can recognize these blessings in yourself and others…

Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex!
Your workmanship is marvelous—how well I know it.

Psalm 139:14 (NLT)

35) The unique ways He made you, unlike anyone else

36) Gifts & talents He gave you, to use for His Kingdom

37) Your ability to be creative, like God Himself (problem-solving, making new things, etc.)

38) For whatever you have to work with (be it two hands + two feet, or no limbs at all!)

39) Your body’s incredible ability to move, think, and so forth

40) Each person’s capacity for love, mercy, kindness, etc. (made in God’s image!)

41) That He has every hair on your head numbered, WOW (Luke 12:6-7)

42) That people’s strengths and weaknesses complement one another (to work together!)

43) For people who sacrifice for your freedom and/or safety (soldiers, firefighters, police, etc.)

44) For people who are gifted to serve in other such ways (teachers, missionaries, etc.)

grapes - The True Vine symbolism

Physical Nourishment He Provides

What a blessing it is, that God cares about our physical needs! He has provided so many great resources for our nourishment. These 7 reasons to thank God alone are pretty special!

45) Underground water sources (like acquifers) for clean water

46) Vitamin D from sunshine

47) Fresh air to breathe

48) Vitamins and minerals to nourish your body

49) Natural aids for healing (aloe vera, honey, etc.)

50) Plants that grow for food (what a marvel!)

51) Animals that provide meat for food, like cows, chickens, fish, etc. (don’t forget the milk and eggs too!)

52) Sleep (and other forms of rest too)

Spiritual Nourishment He Provides

But of course, we know as Jesus said in Matthew 4:4 (NLT): β€œPeople do not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God.” Spiritual nourishment is very important too! So what a blessing it is, to have these good things to thank God for.

53) His Word

54) Prayer (our lifeline to Him!)

55) Opportunities to be still and quiet, to hear His voice

56) Refreshment of being in nature

57) Fellowship with brothers and sisters in Christ

58) The Holy Spirit

women friends sitting together

Family & Friends

Who in your life are you most grateful for? Those people are the best things to thank God for in prayer! Even those people who are far from perfect, you can still find reasons to be thankful for.

59) Your mama who gave birth to you (even if she was/is absent or far from perfect)

60) Your father who raised you (or another person who was a father figure to you)

61) The people who’ve had the most positive impact on your life

62) Family members whose company you enjoy

63) Great friends who support and encourage you (and you get to do the same for them)

64) Someone you got to know and spend time with, even if only for a season

65) The person/people who led you to Jesus Christ

66) Your church family/community

67) People who supported you through a hard time in your life

68) Someone God brought into your life right when you needed them

69) That crazy person who annoyed you at first, but is now a close friend

70) Someone who forgave you, even after you hurt them

71) A mentor who taught you the value of hard work, life skills, etc.

Basic Things You Might Normally Take for Granted

Continuing with our list of 100 things to thank God for, I thought it would be appropriate to mention those things that (nearly) all of us in the developed world have, but so often take for granted!

72) Clothing (whatever you have, it’s probably more than enough!)

73) Running water (also, hot water, clean water, etc.)

74) Shelter (even if it’s just a temporary roof over your head)

75) Electricity (how amazing is it, that God gave His people the ability to create such inventions as lightbulbs and electric power to run them?)

76) Soap (to bathe, wash dishes with, etc.)

77) Oils/lotions to soothe your skin

78) Pen/pencil and paper to write with

79) Tools to cook food with (pots, pans, etc.)

80) Clocks and watches to keep track of time

81) Transportation (be it your own car, hitching a ride with someone else, bicycle, train, etc.)

Bible art journaling ideas - Psalm 23

Blessings in Disguise

Now, this is a bit more tricky. The Bible tells us to be grateful to God for everything, but what about when bad things happen? In a case like that, you can still be grateful for how God brought good out of the bad. God may allow bad things to happen (by Satan’s doing, our own sin, or someone else’s sin, or no particular explanation—see the book of Job for examples), but He always uses those things for good—even if we don’t see it at first.

82) An illness that makes you appreciate God’s grace and strength even more

83) The person who caused you harm, but God worked it all for good (like Joseph)

84) The delay, which actually saved you from getting hurt/making a costly mistake

85) Something that was an inconvenience for you, but an opportunity to bless someone

86) A season of difficulty, which stretched you and caused you to grow

87) Loneliness, which drew you closer to God

88) When you lost something, and it caused you to be more appreciative

89) The struggle to overcome, which made the victory that much sweeter

90) A challenging situation that taught you a great life lesson

91) The toxic boss who is teaching you to love your enemies (Matthew 5:43-45)

92) Financial struggles that taught/are teaching you to be more frugal and appreciate what you have

humminbird among lavender flowers

Other Good Gifts for Your Enjoyment

And finally, we’ve come to some fun reasons to be thankful to God that didn’t necessarily fall into any of the former categories, but are still worth mentioning! These are blessings that we enjoy, that God either made directly, or were made by people and are still used by God in many positive ways.

93) Wonderful smells (like lavender, fresh rain, vanilla, etc.)

94) Taste of good foods

95) Other sensory experiences (cool breeze on your face, soft fabric on your skin, etc.)

96) Music! Especially, Jesus music!

97) Visual art, everything from paintings to clothing and buildings (made by us, His children)

98) Technology (how God helps us use it for good)

99) Colors! Black, white, and all the colors of the rainbow

100) Glitter (not just man-made, but in nature… like glistening dew, or sun glinting on snow)

So, that’s a wrap! And these are just the 100 things to thank God for, that I was able to think of myself. Did I forget anything? What additional blessings would you add to this list? I’m sure you could come up with many more!

13 thoughts on “100 Things to Thank God For”

  1. An incredible compilation of super grateful and thankful situations all around us that we are a part of. I am blessed.

  2. I am thankful for this list. It helps me to meditate on the graces and goodness of God. So many fond memories flood my mind, with the sweet smiles they bring to surface. It’s just a good reminder that we truly rely on the most Holy Almighty, Great Loving God and Father .

  3. the list goes on and on- i like the way you categorized the blessings we enjoy! God bless you for your creativity- thankful to God for people like you!

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