5 Creative Ways to Worship God

Let’s explore what is means to “worship” our Heavenly Father. There are so many other creative ways to worship God, besides just singing in church on Sundays!

5 creative ways to worship God

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This past Sunday, my pastor did a sermon on WORSHIP. Specifically, why worshipping God all day every day, is so important.

Of course, God is worthy of worship! He deserves our praise! But also, one of the things my pastor said, is that worship is one of the greatest weapons we have against the enemy. Worship gives God the glory, reminds us what Jesus did for us, reinforces our faith and trust in God, and much more.

So naturally, that got me thinking about creative ways to worship God in everyday life, beyond the typical singing-in-church style of worship.

But first, what does the word WORSHIP even mean?

According to Dictionary.com, to WORSHIP is to “render religious reverence and homage to”, or “to feel an adoring reverence or regard for (any person or thing)”. Essentially, when we worship God, we’re giving Him our adoration, devotion, and loyalty.

Now, I don’t know about you, but I spend an awful lot of time worshipping too many things other than God. Just a few examples: I adore the characters in my favorite TV show, and give way too much devotion (more than necessary) to my favorite hobbies. All while neglecting to give my attention to God!

Clearly, in this fallen and oh-so-distracting world, it’s important to re-focus on what truly matters… and for me (and hopefully for you too?) that means giving more worship to the one true God—who is truly worthy of all praise, honor, and glory!

So, that brings us back to this quest to discover more ways of worshipping God… what ARE some creative ways to praise God in everyday life?

5 Creative Ways to Worship God

I can’t tell you what the best ways to worship God are… but I CAN tell you that these are the ideas that came to my mind, as I pondered and prayed about this subject. Really, there is no right or wrong way to worship, as long your heart is sincere in your reverence for God.

So please, take these creative ways to worship God, and make them your own! Let them inspire new ideas, for how to incorporate more God-honoring worship into your everyday life. The ultimate goal, is to learn how to worship God in everything you DO, whatever that may be.

For me, I DO a lot of artistic pursuits, so I’m beginning this list with that in mind…

Bible journaling watercolor page on Psalm 113

1) Create God-honoring art

Clearly, I do a lot of Bible journaling… and I’ve always thought of that as a prime opportunity for worship! It’s not just the finished page that’s an act of worship, although it totally can be. It’s also the journey of creating, praying, and praising through the process, that makes Bible journaling my favorite form of worship.

As with any form of worship, Bible journaling needs to begin with your heart though! This is something I can always do better at: I need to give God more praise, rather than heaping the accolades on me (for creating the art), or piling all the adoration on the artwork itself (it’s so pretty). God deserves ALL the glory!

Ascribe to the LORD the glory due his name;
worship the LORD in the splendor of his holiness.

Psalm 29:2 (NIV)

Beyond Bible journaling, there are many more creative ways to worship God with art… such as painting a beautiful sunset on canvas, sketching a portrait of your neighbor, crafting a handmade pot for a gift, etc.

I love what GotQuestions.org says about art that honors God: “In creating God-glorifying art, the artist’s goal should be to lift the soul of man toward heaven and to illumine in new ways the multi-faceted beauty of God’s holiness, power, and grace.” Lord, let that be my goal always!

2) Write words of adoration

Another simple way for how to worship God at home, is by writing! Whether you write a whole book of poetry about God, or just a single sentence each day in your five-year gratitude journal, you can give God praise in doing so.

After all, look at how God-glorifying the Psalms are! Even Psalms that are super-short, like Psalm 23, can be powerful acts of worship. I mean, sure, many Psalms were written as lyrics to be put to music— but the words themselves still speak volumes. It just goes to show, there are other creative ways to worship God without music. Poetry reading, anyone?

Fix these words of mine in your hearts and minds; tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. Teach them to your children, talking about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Write them on the doorframes of your houses and on your gates.
Deuteronomy 11:18-20 (NIV)

living water Bible journaling page with metallic watercolors

3) Speak words of praise

Worship doesn’t have to be a solo activity, like just me praising God all by myself. Find creative ways to worship God in your everyday conversations with friends, coworkers, Bible study buddies, etc. For example, mention something God has done in your life, talk about the amazing sunset God painted yesterday evening, and so forth.

I admit, this is one area that I’m very weak in. That is, I tend to keep my God thoughts to myself, instead of speaking them out loud. I know, I know, being a quiet, shy introvert is no excuse! Suffice it to say, of all these five ways to worship God, this is the one I need to improve on the most.

A few more ideas, to worship God aloud: take a walk in nature, and praise God aloud, like a spoken prayer… or speak simple words of praise to reinforce your faith in a tough time (as Job did, in the verse below)…

At this, Job got up and tore his robe and shaved his head. Then he fell to the ground in worship and said:
“Naked I came from my mother’s womb,
and naked I will depart.
The LORD gave and the LORD has taken away;
may the name of the LORD be praised.”

Job 1:20-21 (NIV)

prayerful worship

4) Express worship through movement

Okay, so this is closely related to musical worship, but still, it’s a far cry from your grandmother’s hymn-singing church service. If you’re wondering how to worship God in everyday life in a way that won’t cost you a dime, just dance! Especially if you’re like me, and singing is not your strong suit, dancing to your fave worship music is a wonderful alternative.

Praise his name with dancing,
accompanied by tambourine and harp.

Psalm149:3 (NLT)

Sometimes when I’m listening to worship music at home, I still sing along, but other times… I just feel like busting a move!

I bet you can think of even more creative ways to worship God through movement than just dance, though… you could worship during your yoga workout, skate to worship music, praise God as you weed your garden, and the list goes on.

worship God through dancing

5) Use your gifts to further God’s kingdom

As we’ve seen so far, there are plenty of different ways to worship God in the Bible—everything from singing and dancing, to writing and speaking. But, this verse sums up the whole heart of worship:

From that, we can ascertain that the best way to worship God according to the Bible, is simply to offer our whole selves in service to God!

So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.
1 Corinthians 10:31 (NIV)

Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.
1 Peter 4:10 (NIV)

Proverbs 31 Bible journaling page - fear the Lord

Going back to the definition of WORSHIP, it means to give reverence to God… in other words, to give Him our adoration, devotion, and loyalty. And what better way to do that, than by wholly devoting our lives in service to Him?

So, as we think about how to worship God in everyday life, let’s keep Romans 12:1 top of mind. There are many creative ways to worship God, which are all great and wonderful to do. But, to give our whole lives to the Lord, is the ultimate form of worship: It’s like saying to God, “You are worth giving my all for!

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