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This has been a tough week for many people in Texas and Louisiana. Hurricane Harvey is a reminder that we humans are definitely NOT in control. I live in central Texas, far away from the hard-hit areas of the gulf coast (here, we only received two inches of rain from Harvey), and my friends and relatives in Houston and Beaumont are thus far doing okay, but still, Harvey is bringing a lot of devastation. My heart goes out to everyone affected, and if that’s you, please know you are in my prayers.
Living in this crazy world, with floods and famine and our own sin wreaking havoc, it’s easy to become depressed about the state of things. Every day, we wake up and go about various activities, amidst a world that is largely ignoring God. And even as believers, isn’t it all too easy to fall into worldly things, and forget to reach out to God?
Happens to me, sometimes every day! I feel like I’m getting lost in the world…but at the end of the day, I know that I need God. Not just when trouble strikes, but all the time! I need His guidance and approval, His love and mercy, and everything He is.
So, in the midst of the distractions, the troubles, and the false lure of sin and worldly things, how do we keep the faith? How do we ensure God’s living water is always nourishing our spirits, every day? Furthermore, how do we cling to God so closely, that even in a crisis our faith will stand strong?
Like newborn babies, crave pure spiritual milk, so that by it you may grow up in your salvation.
1 Peter 2:2
Drink Spiritual ‘Milk’
The Essentials (Worship, Read Scripture, Pray): Hopefully you already know how imperative it is to drink the living water of God’s Word, to worship Him every day, and pray, pray, and pray some more. And no matter where you’re at spiritually, there are always ways to grow!
Remember, if you’re not actively drawing nearer to God, then you’re probably drifting away from Him. There are so many ways to know Him better, and serve Him more fully: Join or teach a Bible study group, learn some Hebrew or Aramaic words to understand the Scriptures better, start a prayer journal, and so on and so forth.
Sights: What are you looking at every day? Hang Scripture verses in your cubicle at work, put post-its on your bathroom mirror with verses you want to memorize, or wear a cross ring or bracelet as a reminder to love others. And if there is anything you see that’s causing discouragement, take it down! Like, turn off the news notifications on your smartphone, and instead set your Bible app to give you a notification with the verse of the day. Much better :).
Sounds: Listen to something wholesome and encouraging. Play worship music, download sermon podcasts on your phone (Elevation Church has some awesome ones), or buy an audio tape of a Christian non-fiction book. If you enjoy contemporary Christian music as I do, K-LOVE is the best radio station ever! I listen when I wake up (via the K-LOVE app), and in my car (via my local K-LOVE affiliate station). It’s a constant source of living water, available anytime day or night.
And finally, I think if you only do one thing, then pray without ceasing. Make every moment a conversation with God, sending up little praises, gratitude, and praying for the people around you. It’s not easy, but it pays off in spades. God is good!
Hi! Thank you so much for visiting Divine Creative Love. I’m a Jesus-lovin’ girl, lettering artist, designer, and general creative-at-heart. And, I have narcolepsy. I blog about faith in God, overcoming challenges, and creative topics such as Bible journaling. If you’re new here, be sure and subscribe to my list so you won’t miss anything!