When Life Gets Crazy: Two Things You MUST Do

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When Life Gets Crazy

Ya’ll, last week was crazy!

My day job is in retail, and as you might imagine, in the retail world Mother’s Day is a big deal! So it’s been super busy, maybe even as busy as Christmas.

You’ll have to forgive me for skipping my blog post last week. Something had to give, and blogging was one of those things. And if you didn’t even notice? Well, that’s good. But if you did miss me, you know I’ll be always be back as soon as the crazy dies down. 😉

You’ve probably been there too, though, right? Work demands, family activities, etc. etc…springtime is always an especially busy season, as this hilarious parody attests.

But what can you do when you’re overwhelmed? When your calendar is jam-packed, obligations are overflowing, and maybe your life even feels like it’s spinning out of control?

These are two things that have helped me, and while you may know them in theory, I hope this will serve as a reminder to put them into practice.

Two Important Things to Do When Life is Crazy

FIRST: Give your worries and anxieties over to God. I catch myself quite often mentally freaking out, like “how am I going to manage this crazy day?”. Forgetting that the Lord is my ever-present helper in times of trouble, and that if I just pray and trust Him with my worries, I can breathe easier.

Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares about you. 1 Peter 5:7 (NLT)

The book I’m currently reading, Battlefield of the Mind by Joyce Meyer, has a given me a lot of helpful advice on the subject of letting go of worry and anxiety. And I’m only halfway through!

And SECONDLY: Give yourself grace. Nobody can “do it all”, especially not in busier times! It’s totally okay to choose strategically some things you can stop doing for a time, and then you can always pick them back up when things slow down. Or, maybe you find you didn’t need to be doing some of those things in the first place (like, you know, playing Tetris on your smartphone, or keeping up with five different TV shows).

Philippians 4:6-7

So, when life gets hectic and you wonder how you’re going to survive (or thrive!), remember to cast all your cares on God, and give yourself grace. Or to put it simply, Jesus take the wheel!

AND I might also add, don’t forget to give yourself rest. ❤️

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