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Oh, how frustrating life can be sometimes.
This past week, I’ve been experiencing a recurrence of unpleasant IBS symptoms (gas, bloating, heartburn), for no obvious reason. I had been making progress—taking supplements that seemed to be helping. But then, something set me off, and it felt like going back to square one. Argh.
The frustration had me praying a lot, asking God to help me understand, and also trolling Google for stories of modern-day healing. And, in reading a few of the latter, God brought some important points to mind.
One story, of a young woman named Meredith who endured unexplained blindness and paralysis, reminded me that God doesn’t necessarily give us what we want, but what we NEED (to grow us spiritually). And also, it’s not about what I want, but what will glorify God.
Another healing story was about a man named Paul, who had cancer. What really struck me, was that he prayed to God for guidance, as in “Should I take this course of treatment, or that one, or rely only on You for healing?”
Call Me Crazy
This triggered a big “aha!” moment for me. All this time, I’ve been praying, asking God to heal my broken digestive system. And then I turn around and search for remedies, try this supplement or that one, tweak my diet, and so forth…all without consulting God at all.
It seems completely ludicrous now that I realize it. It was as if my right hand was asking God for help, and my left hand was going around behind my back and doing its own thing. Like having a “plan B”, if God doesn’t heal me directly (without the help of treatments or diet), then I’m taking matters into my own hands.
It seems so silly, even foolish, doesn’t it? How many times do we ask God for help, but then we don’t involve Him in the path we’re taking to solve the problem? Or, we don’t even ask for help at all?
Going forward, I’m making a conscious effort to pray more continually. For example, if there’s a remedy I want to try, or a complex problem to solve, I will ask God what He wants me to do. And then, do that.
Even just in my past experience, it does seem like every time that I have prayed for guidance, the problem at hand quickly becomes simpler, or goes away altogether. All that struggling and confusion trying to do it my own way, could’ve been so much easier if I just let God take the lead.
Pray Without Ceasing
How would your life change, if you made an effort to pray continually?
- Giving praise and gratitude to God, tends to make life’s problems seem less significant. (Psalm 100:4, Hebrews 13:15)
- Keeping that constant open connection with God, means that you’re never alone in your struggles. (1 Corinthians 1:3-4)
- By casting all your cares on the Lord, you have less anxiety, and let Him take care of you. (1 Peter 5:7)
- Asking the One who is your ever present help, leads to quicker and better resolutions and outcomes than if you muddled through it yourself. (Psalm 46:1)
- There is tremendous peace to be found, in leaving your problems at God’s feet, and taking Him at His Word. (Philippians 4:6-7)
Now, I’ll be the first to admit, it’s not always easy to remember to pray throughout the day. But, there are plenty of things you can use as triggers to help. (Carry a pocket cross, use visual cues, even set a reminder on your phone every hour!)
The only question I have left for you, is: Will you make an effort to lean more on God today? Life is so much sweeter with Him. ♥
Hi! Thank you so much for visiting Divine Creative Love. I’m a Jesus-lovin’ girl, lettering artist, designer, and general creative-at-heart. And, I have narcolepsy. I blog about faith in God, overcoming challenges, and creative topics such as Bible journaling. If you’re new here, be sure and subscribe to my list so you won’t miss anything!