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A few weeks ago, I was listening to K-LOVE radio, and the DJ’s were talking about how to discern if what we see on social media is really true.
And a woman called in to the station, and said (sarcastically, to make a point): What did we ever do before social media, when all we had was our Bibles to discern truth?
Indeed, what did we do? We certainly didn’t rely on Facebook friends (or the FB community as a whole) to tell us that we’re so un-Christian for voting a certain way, or that we’re committing some grievous sin by disciplining our children a certain way, or that if you’re not Catholic then you’re all wrong.
That caller made a very valid point! God’s word should be the FIRST and maybe even the only place we look to discern whether something is true, good, or acceptable in God’s eyes. If we want to know if that behavior is sinful, if this way of doing things is Biblical or not, or if we’re in right standing with God, the Bible is where we should look for answers.
The president of my alma mater said it well at a recent commencement ceremony: A college education is great and wonderful, but the Bible can teach you way more about life than you could ever learn from getting a degree. So true!
My alma mater is awesome like that. Shameless plug: If you or someone you know is hunting for a top quality Christian university to attend, one that continues to uphold and practice strong Biblical values, UMHB is an excellent choice. And yes, I am totally biased. 😀
Anyway, moving on…
Where to Find Wisdom & Truth in God’s Word
In thinking about the Bible as THE source of wisdom and truth, I came up with this short list of a few areas that you might be seeking guidance in, and the book or passage or Scripture that I know to be a great source of wisdom in that area:
- WISDOM: For general wise teachings, Proverbs is awesome! If you’ve never read the whole book of Proverbs from start to finish, I highly recommend it. Take in a few verses each day, and let them soak in. For the Lord gives wisdom; from his mouth come knowledge and understanding. -Proverbs 2:6 (NIV)
- HOW TO PRAY: There are many verses that tell us how to pray (Matthew 6:9-13, Philippians 4:6-7, James 5:16), but nowhere can you find so many real examples of heartfelt prayer like in the Psalms. If you don’t what to pray, pray a Psalm!
- GODLY LIVING: The Bible is, of course, full of examples and instructions for how God wants us to live. But, the ones that stick with me most come from New Testament letters like Ephesians, Galatians, and 1 & 2 Corinthians.
- YOUR CALLING: Be inspired by the stories of Nehemiah, Esther, and many others who followed through on God’s calling in their lives. “Who knows? Maybe you were made queen for just such a time as this.” -Esther 4:14 (MSG)
- COURAGE: There is nothing quite like the book of Joshua, the story of the Israelites taking possession of the Promised Land, to inspire the courage you need to embark on your own life journey.
- GRIEF/LOSS: The book of Job is the best balm to the soul for anytime you are mourning the loss of something in your life (be it a person near and dear to you, a job, house, dream, etc.)
- FAITH: Need more faith? I love the passage in Hebrews 11:1 through 12:3 for driving home what exactly faith IS and WHY it’s so important. And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him. -Hebrews 11:6 (NIV)
- LOVE: And who can deny the complete package of love described in 1 Corinthians 13?
As always, it’s so helpful to consult multiple translations of the Bible, to gain a greater understanding of God’s word. The New International Version (NIV) is my personal favorite, but I often check the Amplified (AMP) version too, as it expounds on the original meanings of the Hebrew and Greek. And I love The Message (MSG) for it’s modern paraphrasing of the Scriptures. I have this NIV Life Application Bible on my Kindle, and I use the YouVersion Bible app (which is totally free) to check other translations.
The Bible truly is our “user manual” for life! If there anything in the manual you are unclear about, what can you do? Call the One who wrote it. Pray for understanding, and look for God’s answer. He will never disappoint!
Hi! Thank you so much for visiting Divine Creative Love. I’m a Jesus-lovin’ girl, lettering artist, designer, and general creative-at-heart. And, I have narcolepsy. I blog about faith in God, overcoming challenges, and creative topics such as Bible journaling. If you’re new here, be sure and subscribe to my list so you won’t miss anything!